Harlem River Greenway Wins American Planning Association Award

Members of the Harlem River Greenway Planning Team accept the award at the American Planning Association - NYC meeting.

At the American Planning Association–New York Metropolitan Chapter’s Annual Meeting, the Harlem River Greenway Planning Team was awarded the Mitchell Silver Award for Meritorious Service to Empower Historically Underserved Communities. The prize recognizes exceptional commitment to urban planning and community empowerment.

“Your efforts in creating a seven-mile greenway, restoring waterfront access, and advocating for equitable urban planning have made a significant impact,” said the prize’s committee. “The Awards Committee considered the collaboration among many city agencies and local advocates to bring a long-held desire to repair past community harms along the Bronx waterfront through an innovative, green solution that provides a benefit for the community.”

On December 8, 2023, members of the NYC DOT and NYC Parks teams, as well as the Harlem River Working Group, accepted the award.